Cave 16
Cave 16 is the most important Northern Qi cave at the Tianlongshan site. The porch still has elements of post and lintel construction and bracketing supporting the overhanging eave that derive from construction in wood. The interior had fine sculptures that partially remain. The cave is now inaccessible from the path, which may account for its relatively good state of preservation.
Cave 16 exterior

Cave 16 porch. The two guardian figures outside the entrance are now missing.
(Photograph from Li Yuqun and Li Gang, 2003, color pl. 59)

Historical photo, Cave 16 exterior

Cave 16 west (left) wall Buddha seated on lotus throne (Li 2003, color plate 62)

Historical photo, Cave 16 north (back) wall

Historical photo, Cave 16 east wall

Historical photo, Cave 16 west wall

Historical photo, Cave 16 ceiling with relief heavenly musicians and central lotus blossom